AmigaOS3.5 (30/967)

From:Dirk Neubauer
Date:1 May 2000 at 22:27:34
Subject:Re: oktagon.device & NSDPatch

Hi Joseph!

On 01-Mai-00, you wrote:

> In a recent mail i explained my progress (?) with NSDPatch. I did check
> oktapussy and in the doc, which describes 4 methods to use the new driver.

> 1) Method 1: run the new driver from 'expansion'. (Here it is said that
> partition is on a HD physically mounted on the oktagon controller. When i
> try to save the 'disabled' condition OktagonPrefs tells me that i will
> only be able to boot from floppy. This is not what i want.

Ok, understandable.

> 3) Making the driver reset resident. The old (ROM)
> driver is not disabled. ( I like that)
> I do note an other version number here (created by oktagon ? ) ??)
> Do you have the same response ?

This method had never worked here. The LoadIDE command has always failed.

> 4) Loading the driver out of the Rigid-Disk-Blocks
> I could use this too. But that will be for later. Enough problems for now.

But that's the only way I can use here. You have to load oktapussy to the
RDB of unit 0. Now I have two devices: scsi.device (internal ide port) and
2nd.scsi.device (oktagon). Both are working fine. The only you have to
change in nsdpatch.cfg is the line with 2nd.scsi.device, because you don't
have a real scsi.device.

the line have to be as following:


The TD64 is very important, because your device is TD64 alike, other than
the real 2nd.scsi.device by AI.

Save your RDB to a floppy and then try it. If it doesn't work, you can save
your RDB back.

And this method is working, even if the hd in unit 0 isn't the first in
progress as on my system, because oktagon will wait for.

> I also noted that the "oktagon" driver in 'oktapussy' is newer than in the
> latest HDInstTools. Its 'version' states "SoftSCSIOktagonC9X 9.9
> (11/24/1998) , the only other date string it contains is:
> SoftSCSI_OktagonC9X (Oktagon SCSI) 9.9 (24.11.98)

Yes. This driver I use.

> The HDInstTools oktagon file returns as ' version'
> "OktagonMount 6.10 (08/15/1995)" but contains also the strings
> SoftSCSIOktagonC9X 6.9 (31.08.95)
> oktagon.device 6.10 (26.08.95)

That's the file distributed with the latest oktagon boards (rom 6.10) as I
have. I think, oktapussy is beta ware, and therefore it is distributed
individuelly. HDInsttools is an official update of the product distributed
with your oktagon, but oktapussy not.

> oktagon.device 6.8 seemed to work i may stay with this solution or go on &
> use Oktapussy which allows me to update 'oktagon' without a new rom, but
> for which NSDPatch is not fully happy yet.

I would suggest you last choice. Try the line I use for NSDPatch.


- Dirk

It's always funny until someone gets hurt and then it's just hilarious!-FNM

Dirk Neubauer [Germany,03843-843362]

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